Carina Owner Michael James on the TODAY Show

Michael James on the TODAY Show
Michael James recently showed off his snag-twisting skills on the TODAY Show, in preparation for the World Butchers’ Challenge taking place this weekend (check out the impressive video here). Michael also had a chat to Ben Davis on 4BC radio, so if you would like to know more about Michael’s take on the competition and its challenges (and his hopes to earn Australia ‘best-butcher’ bragging rights for a year) have a listen.
The 6th annual World Butchers’ Challenge will take place at the Gold Coast on the 10th of September. The competition will see some of the world’s most innovative retail butchers competing for the prestigious win. This year, Australian butchers are taking on competition from New Zealand, the United Kingdom and France. Michael is the captain of the Australian team, the ‘Aussie Steelers’.
The World Butchers’ Challenge takes place over a period of 3 hours and sees competing teams judged and scored on their butchery skills, knife skills, workmanship and creative usage of beef, lamb and pork meat. According to Michael’s radio chat this morning – “You’ve got a side of beef, a whole lamb and a side of pork… You’ve got three hours, six butchers… and you’ve got to produce 70 products.” Sounds like the competition is going to be fierce – luckily Michael is off to a winning start!
For more information about the World Butchers’ Challenge, see the Australian Butchers’ Guild website.
Stay tuned as the world’s best prepare for the annual Butchers’ Challenge.