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To check or edit your cart at any time, click on the Cart Checkout function at the top right of all pages, or above and below the shopping list function. You will also find and be able to edit your order in the sidebar of most pages.
If you are unhappy with your order, please contact us by phone or via the Contact Us form on the website.
You should only buy from a merchant who can offer a PCI compliant payment gateway. This will encrypt your data and keep it secure. Carina North Quality Meats provides a PCI compliant payment gateway for all of your transactions
Over 60% of Australians buy online, so it has become a very common experience in most households. When you buy online, you should ensure you deal with a supplier you can trust and who offers a secure payment platform. Carina North Quality Meats uses a secure payment gateway which encrypts your credit card details. This protects your credit card details from fraud. Please note, we will never ask you to supply your credit card details via an email. If you ever believe we are asking for your credit card details, please contact the store directly.
No, you do not need to be present for the delivery, since we deliver our orders in cold boxes that can last for up to 4 hours without refrigeration.
We are happy to leave the order at your home or business premises, however, if you request to be present for the delivery, we will not leave it unattended.


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